Friday, September 9, 2011

9th September - Cool and Cloudy

Didn't manage to get down to the wood yesterday - but today made the effort to go down quite early in the morning.  There is so much going on just as the day begins ... we tend to think of the dawn chorus as being a spring-time phenomenon, but the birds wake up and start "chatting" all through the year, not quite the same as their springtime singing, but still a wonderful sound, full of life and "laughter"!  The big birds, too, are less shy at that time in the morning.  The beautiful, colourful jay was out and about ...

Noisy fellow - "laughs" like all the the crow family!

Some of the smaller birds were busy too!  The blue tit is one of the least shy of all the tit family ... gregarious with each other, and very patient when the observer tries to get close!  Such amazing colours ... a totally different shade of blue to the jay.  I reminded myself to collect some pine cones and put them on one side for Christmas decorations ... oh no! don't start thinking about Christmas yet!!

Christmas is coming???

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful! and I do love the embroidered birds, so alive.
